Table of Contents & Addendum

Table of Contents & Addendum
Article 1: The Citizens United Decision
Article 2: Ballot De-centralization
Article 3: Beyond Just Mail: Other Options for Voting

Elections: Reform and Administration will be a work in progress, and I hope to write at least a score of articles, or more, before the August, 2015 Primary for King County Director of Elections (there may not actually be a Primary if only two candidates file for Director).   I will write updates and new articles as time goes on, so keep checking this on-going Table of Contents to see what's new, and possibly what's coming up.  I'll be writing about Voter Registration practices sometime soon. 

You can be sure that my likely opponent in 2015, Sherril Huff (the incumbent Director of Elections), will not be putting together a program for election reform such as these articles will entail, and you can pretty much figure that she will be staying with the staid status quo that Constantine and his lackeys demand.  Nor will Huff's hand-picked merry band of so-called election watchers, the Citizens' Election Oversight Committee, be interested in reform.  All she and they will be doing is relying on Diebold/Premier/Dominion machines to count votes in the county's convoluted ballot system while Ms. Huff counts the million dollars in salary that King County will have paid her by that time.  I will be requesting that the King County Council reduce the salary of the newly elected (or re-elected) Director by one-half.

[revised on 11/17/14]
